Sunday 3 April 2016


The Saturday before Easter saw me participating in the practice of Ukrainian egg decorating. It was so fun and I got lost in all the details and creative options. You use wax to create layers of colour and patterns.
On Sunday there were two different services and an incredibly fabulous brunch that I got to share with a lovely group of people. 

This week has been full of ups and downs. I had a bit of a realization that I am now a short-term crew member. I have less than 3 months left in my commitment and it feels like I am being phased out of community while I can see my new co-workers being phased in and it is difficult. I know that my feelings can sometimes deceive me into believing things that aren't necessarily true, but I feel like I don't have a place here anymore and that is going to make it increasingly difficult to remain present and positive about work and life. This is life on the ship and I haven't yet been on the leaving side so it is a new experience for me. Since I have time I will try and keep the friends I have and make friends of the other short term crew that don't get taken into the long-term crew circle of friends. This is not a criticism of long-term crew members, because I understand that it is a coping mechanism. When you are here for a long time you see so many people come and go, so in order not to get too attached people often steer clear of those they know won't be around very long to avoid the heartbreak that comes with saying goodbye. 

On another note: I thought I was done with rice and beans after eating them everyday, twice a day while in Haiti for our field practicum but I was wrong. Last night I made plenty of rice and beans. The hot peppers that are sold at the market here are scotch bonnet peppers. If you look up where they fall on the Scoville scale they are near the top. At 150,000-325,000 units they are WAY spicier than a jalapeno (2,500-8,000). Anyway, this was the result of my Saturday evening:

Before all that bean making I got to talk to my mom who was at my grandparents house while they were making sausages. When she sat down on the couch I could see my baby-self behind her. My mom was happier than her face suggests. 

That's all I've got. Have a great week!

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