Sunday 22 February 2015

It just got SERIOUS!

The Minister of Health for Madagascar came to the ship last Friday. When important people come to the ship we are given ample warning and told to be especially courteous, and dress nicely in public areas (or just avoid them altogether). Since it was the Friday of the long weekend, the ship was pretty quiet so there weren't many people to get mixed up in the events. This a newly appointed Minister of Health so it was important to make a good impression since we will be here again next field service. There have been many changes in the government lately but it seems that we will be still welcome for our next field service in August. He gave a speech while he was on board and I think it is worth sharing. As a disclaimer, the first paragraph is not verbatim because the recording cut out, but it is along the same lines of what he said.

Many people have come to Africa to help the people
There were missionaries before you
There once was a missionary called David Livingstone
He did great things for the people, providing Hospitals & clinics
And he talked about Jesus
When other missionaries came after him
They talked about Jesus
But the people said we know about your Jesus, we heard already about him
And they thought Jesus was David Livingstone.

Ladies & gentlemen, my point is
There’s a major gap between saying something and doing it.
Many people are talking
Many people are saying a lot of great things
When it comes to actually doing it
Very few can actually do something
You are a true example of great missionary work
And you are actually doing Jesus’ work

In the name of the President,
In the name of the Prime Minister,
In the name of everybody in the Ministry of Health
In the name of all 22 million Malagasy people
I really want to tell you from the bottom of my heart
What you are doing is amazing
I can only promise you the Ministry of Health will do everything to allow you to do your work in the best condition possible.
Thank you so much, you are such wonderful people.
Mercy Ships CMO (Chief Medical Officer) - Dr. Gary Parker and Madagascar Minister of Health - Prof. Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo
"Important" people come to the ship all the time: government officials, possible donors, the Captains of others ships in the port, people with power, wealth, and influence. I wonder what they think before they get here. I certainly don't remember what I thought it was going to look like, or feel like (that seems like ages ago). At what point does it just become "normal"? Honestly, I don't think it ever does. I was walking in town yesterday and I just had one of those moment when I thought, "how am I living in Madagascar right now?" This is my life. Though a mere blip in the grand scheme of things (hopefully I have lots more years to go), I have no doubt that it will not only change the course of my life but that of my family, friends, colleagues, and of course the people of Madagascar. A feeling of love; that is what I want to leave behind.

Have an absolutely wonderful week!


  1. It can be so uplifting to hear someone else tell you how much you are contributing to making the lives of others better! Keep up the good work!
