Saturday 30 April 2016

Amazing Race

What did you do today?

Well, I watched people retrieve coins from the bottom of a pool and chug bottles of tonic water. Confused? Today was the Mercy Ships version of the amazing race. 12 teams of three completed tasks all around Tamatave. My station was to collect 50 coins from the bottom of the pool and then go buy an ice cream cone for each person on the team and eat it in a minute. Unfortunately the ice cream place did not open until 10 and were getting started at 8; so we modified the challenge by using tonic water instead. I think it was challenging in a different way than the ice cream would have been. At the end of the day all 12 teams completed the challenge successfully and I had a lot of empty bottles to show for it...

This week was a surprising challenge. I had an overwhelming moment where I was scared to leave the ship. I was contemplating trying to make new friends, to leave behind the familiarity of life on the ship, and how I was going to cope with all the changes. I was able to pull myself together but those thoughts are still whirling around in my head. On another note, I sign up for two triathlons yesterday. I sign up for a try-a-tri in Hunstville, the weekend I get back and the sprint tri that I am training for at the beginning of August. I realized as I was going to sleep last night that I would need to find a bike within five days of my return home; I didn't think that all the way through. 

I am thoroughly enjoying the weekend; I hope you are doing the same.

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