Friday 4 July 2014

Feel God Friday

I was going to entitle this "Feel GOOD Friday" but an 'o' got lost along the way. I think it works better this way!

This video clip was shown in our class last week, I think (time here is a bit confused). It starts off quite sad but keeping watching and his demonstration is both confronting, funny, and profound.

This week was incredibly difficult because we were talking about worldview and I am so stubborn that I wasn't willing to move. I thought that they were just trying to change us to make us all the same. Then I realized, after talking to a bunch of people and just reflecting on the whole situation, that my perspective was just expanding. Growing pains are no fun but it is part of life and I am lucky to have the chance to experience so much growth at this point of my life.
This week I saw our group falling apart and starting to rub each other the wrong way. I had to check myself more than once and apologize for having a terrible attitude and really hurting people. On Thursday it all broke away. People were asking for forgiveness and I think for the very first time I saw how powerful we can be when we are humble.
Do you have someone you need to apologize to? See what happens if you put yourself out there.

I also got an unexpected surprise this morning! I was offered monthly support from some AMAZING people that I have only known for a short time. I have great supporters and just when things were starting to get a little messy things really took a turn. Thank you!

I really need to stop speaking in metaphors and cliches but it just works!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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