Sunday 25 September 2016

These Days

So I forgot a few things in my last post but I want to mention them.

My mom and my sister have become knitting machines and I got recruited to participate. So, in the few days before I left for school, I made this snazzy washcloth.

My mom had to help me fix my mistakes so many times that there is no way I would be able to accomplish anything without her. Needless to say I have gone into knitting retirement for now. Maybe I will take it up again when I am home next and I have my mom to help me.

One of my best friends in the whole world had a baby! I am so proud of her and I know she is going to be a fabulous mother and that her baby will be so loved. I look up to her a lot because she is so accomplished and works through every challenge that she is given. I hope I will be able to do the same.

My wonderful cousin became a teenager. She is so kind and although her mom says she acts like a teenager sometimes, I've never seen it so I can't believe it. 

School started. The first few days were a huge mix of feelings. I was happy to make some new connections on the first few days and find a familiar face in the crowd. I was not as happy to feel like I wasn't in the right place and that I had made a huge mistake. So many people have emphasized that the first little while will be difficult but it does get better.

After a few weeks I am still trying trying to figure out how to study, live, and just be. I didn't realize that I would struggle in school so much. I have really lacked the motivation to put in the effort required to be excellent. I kind of gave up after only a few days because I saw that I wasn't the best and I was so tired and lonely that I didn't care enough to make an effort. Thankful I got over that last week and figured out that I do my best work at the public library just a block away from where I live. The library is home to some very interesting individuals that I have never encountered at a library in Toronto but I suppose everyone needs somewhere to nap, and not everyone knows that a quiet area means you shouldn't talk on the phone.

Last night I went on a boat cruise with a big group of other students from the law school. I am still attempting to make friends and find where I fit. It was funny being on a boat. It was so different than the ship. All the drinking and club like atmosphere was enough to make me realize that I wasn't on the Africa Mercy. It was also way colder outside than the tropical nights of the sails I have experienced in the past.

Here we are, another week, another chance to do better and be better.

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