Sunday, 10 May 2015

Oreos for Breakfast

I was browsing Amazon for things to send myself on the container (things to look forward to) and I was mildly worried when I saw that Mega Stuffed Oreos were found under breakfast food. Where did we go wrong? I suppose some might argue Amazon has it right, and maybe it falls along the same line as Bill Cosby justifying chocolate cake for breakfast.

Now that I have gotten that out of my system I can get down to business.

Happy Mother's Day!

Don't forget to tell your mother, your grandmother, or someone who has been like a mother to you, that you love and appreciate her. Never take them for granted because you never know how long they will be around.

There is one very important woman who is not pictured here. My mom's mother passed away almost 28 years ago. I count myself lucky to share a name with her, and to have a mother who was loved and taught by someone who was clearly a wonderful, caring, intelligent, and brave person.

I believe great loss can only exist where there is great love. Take the time, and be there. Love, listen, and show that you really care. Have a wonderful day and a fantastic week!


  1. Thanks Marina you made my day!
    Uncle Doug

  2. You are so beautiful, inside and out, thank you for remembering my Mom too! You would have made her very proud. Love you.
