Sunday, 25 January 2015

Oh my goodness, it's the weekend!

So after a week full of ups and downs, emotions going everywhere, and me being really ashamed of losing my temper and letting my frustrations get the best of me, I went to the beach. I know what you're thinking... yet again, "Marina, you don't like the beach". Well, I don't like the sand getting everywhere and the ocean water burning my eyes, but it sure is pretty to look at:

We packed up the Land Cruiser and headed North to Mahambo. It was nice to be in a group that was respectful and understanding of what people needed in order to relax. Everyone did what they needed: some kayaked, some swam, some sat in the sun, and some painted their nails. I sat and read my book. We had a lovely meal and just enjoyed where we were.

The restaurant even had some lemurs that were hanging around. See what I did there? Hanging...

While I was reading my book there were a couple of men setting a fishing net. They walked out into the water and put the net into a semi-circle. Then they started to pull in both sides onto the beach. At one point the fish started to jump out, and one of the men ran into the water to prevent any more escapes. I'm not sure if it was a good catch or they were just entertained that a crowd had gathered around them, but this guy looked pretty happy:

Over the course of the day, I realized that even though I am perfectly content to stay on, or close to the ship, I really need to get off more often, for longer than just a morning walk or run. My disposition on my way to the beach was a world away from how I felt coming back. On my way up, I was very quiet, I had my head resting on my bag, feeling tired, and not really wanting to interact with anyone. On the way back I had my music playing and I was dancing in my seat. The day showed me so much about what I need to be a better person, and to give my best to those around me. Being on the ship, so close to the office, makes me think about work all the time. It is so easy to pop into the office and look at my e-mail or answer a few questions. Yes, I am here to serve in that role and I want to give to people as much as I can. However, in the past few weeks and even months, it has become clear that I cannot continue to give without finding an appropriate outlet to refuel, and take time to disconnect myself from the ship and all that comes with it. I said and did many things that I am not proud of this past week. I am learning that I have such a long way to go in life. I just hope that I get to keeping waking up in the morning and getting the opportunity to make things right. Thank you to those people who continue to give me chances to make better choices after I have made the wrong one, at their expense.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, my dear and sounds like you are learning from your mistakes. A ship full of people already sacrificing for others is a good place to find forgiveness!
